I don't really go on the Sims forums much these days, and therefore constantly find myself completely out of the loop.
Such as today, when I saw this:
Things that bad huh EA?
Now to be honest I've not touched my Sims 4 game since maybe the day after I bought it, so I'm not really surprised that EA are having to stoop to these levels to get people to play the game.
Oh you could say that it has nothing to do with the success of the game, that they just happened to decide to let people trial the game for free, but come on...
I now find myself wishing that I'd not bothered getting the game to begin with, as I could have just waited for the free trial to get my 48 hours worth- after all that's all I've played it for so far.
Sometimes I think maybe I should give The Sims 4 another go- people are saying it will be better with expansion packs and so on, but I'm not willing to waste my money on EPs to go with a base game that is just shoddy to begin with. Okay, maybe that's not entirely fair- the gameplay is good, I like the interactions and so on, but overall it's just fucking boring. There's so much missing compared to the previous incarnations it's embarrassing.
Sims 3 for life bebbe.
Well, not just Sims 3.
Guess what I'm installing atm...
Ah goofy Sims 2 days, how I have missed you.