You know I've never bought anything from the Sims 3 Store before. Followers of my gameplay may now be thinking 'eh, I'm sure I've seen Store content in her game...'
Well, you're not wrong, but there are other ways to acquire content, oh there are ways...
However, the only downside of the 'other ways' (other than a slight tingly feeling that might be my sense of morality trying to make a comeback) is that sometimes the content doesn't always work in the way you would want it to. Normally objects are fine, but premium content- the stuff that involves new interactions etc.- can sometimes come out a bit wrong. For example, in my current Sims game at this time there's a custom sunflower that is spitting out white boxes of apathy into the garden instead of seeds or whatever it's supposed to be doing...
Anyways, given these complications I recently found myself eyeing up some premium content from the Store, and buoyed by a recent payrise from work (yey) I decided to actually purchase some Simpoints.
Now just what did I get with my hard earned virtual money...?
But the thing about funfairs is, they're not that much fun on your own are they?
Readers of The Heart Family Legacy will be familiar with Wolfie and his shenanigans... He started off being somewhat of a creeper but in the end he was pretty much considered a beloved member of the extended legacy family.
As if EA doesn't provide refreshments on this lot! How rude- there should be an ice cream truck on site at all times methinks.
It's a great idea in theory, and I particularly like the fact that you can build your own rollercoasters- something I haven't fully explored yet- but I just don't think there's a fat lot else you can do on the lot.
I think the only way you could increase the fun content of the Boardwalk is to incorporate the World of Wonder set so you would have features like a carousel and a popcorn machine, but that would cost you the same amount of Simpoints again. It would cost you 3800 Simpoints in total for both sets- about £24 to me, and you could buy an actual expansion pack for that!
So yeah, I wouldn't bother.