If I had to describe my Sims 4 experience so far with a seagull it would be this one:
I've been playing for a couple of days now and, well... I'm bored. So bored that yesterday I actually dug out all my Sims 3 games and installed them on my new computer....
But it's not all bad.
Probably my favourite thing about the game so far is that your SIms no longer have to be right next to each other in order to have a conversation. It leads to some interesting moments, such as the time SimFury got into a huge slanging match with a guy whilst running along on the treadmill.
Of course we didn't let him get away with such insolence.
Other than the gym fights SimFury's life was mainly spent woohooing...
...taking selfies....
....wandering around wearing crockery as a bracelet...
...throwing drinks in people's faces...
...and fighting. Again.
This was all very well and good, but at the end of the day I couldn't help but feel like there's not much to do in the game. Obviously this can be expected to some extent- it's a base game so doesn't have all the content that I had by the end of Sims 3, but still- I remember getting Sims 3 and being hooked instantly as I had my Simmies explore the neighbourhood. This time around it's like I'm just doing mundane things like going to work, cooking, gardening, jogging... I might as well just be living my real life.
But perhaps the problem is that the game is currently too much like real life. I'm playing my Simself and therefore seem to be subconsciously limiting myself to things that I would do for real, and as I don't particularly want stuff like kids and marriage it makes my options fairly limited.
It was time for a change...
Well helloooooooooooooo cutie.
Naturally as part of fully exploring the game I had to do a bit more playing around with Create A Sim, and consequently I came up with this fine specimen.
I also mades a house! Now this is one area in which I think The Sims 4 is somewhat superior- the building element is much improved, and the fact that you can just push and pull walls along when you want to change a room is just nifty.
Although the interior design aspect ain't up to much... Bloody lack of Create A Style *grumble grumble*
So after I got Jaime West all settled into his new house I sent him out to meet some of his neighbours, and he just happened to end up at SimFury's house.. *shifty eyes*
Following the initial meeting I then devoted most of my time to trying to seduce my Simself, which is weird...
Jaime attempted to charm SimFury whilst watching her and eating a cheese toastie.
He put the moves on her while she was in her formalwear.
...whilst eating a cheese toastie.
And he chatted her up at the gym... sadly without a cheese toastie.
Everything went as expected.
And you can guess what happened after that.
*bom chicka wow wow*
After their rendezvous Jaime asked SimFury to be his girlfriend, and at this point I was expecting it all to go tits up on account of the fact that, erm, SimFury already has a boyfriend...
However she said yes! I guess you can have multiple partners in The Sims 4, how cool.
*awwwww yeahhhhhhh*
SimFury skedaddled off to work after that, and when we saw her again later I was a little disturbed- and not just by the creeper in the background...
I had heard about there being a glitch that made Simmies put on weight really easily, but this was ridiculous.
But given the shape of the mass I realised that SimFury probably wasn't chubby, she was preggers :o
Thing is though, Jaime had literally only seen SimFury a few hours earlier, so the rate of growth was just ludicrous.
The following day it became clear that SimFury was in fact up the duff, so Jaime asked her to move in with him.
Over the next couple of days SimFury adjusted to pregnancy like any normal girl would by eating copious amounts of cake.
But then things got a little bit awkward as her other boyfriend J turned up whilst Jaime was at work.
He immediately made the moves on SimFury, and she seemed cool with it.
Alright then J, if you're not going to notice that SimFury is the size of a fucking circus tent I'm not going to mention it...
Later on I got a notification that SimFury was in labour and I immediately panned over expecting to see all sorts of craziness. Instead there was only this pouty face.
And, er, then this happened...
This is my fault... the option was there and I just wanted to see if you could in fact propose during labour. Apparently you can.
SimFury is clearly a magpie like myself.
Honestly I'm surprised he caught her.
Immediately after the oh-so-exciting proposal a basket popped up and the miracle of birth began.
Ah, if only it was this easy eh girls?
And lo- SimFury is a mother. The kid looks cute enough.
ERRR HANG ON A MINUTE. I didn't order two!
I don't know what you're smiling about love, you'll have to look after them.
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